Hemisu Light theme for highlight.js. The original is by Noah Frederick.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<div role="main"></div>
<script src="js/script.js"></script>
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
body:first-of-type pre::after {
content: 'highlight: ' attr(class);
@import url('print.css');
@page:right {
margin: 1cm 2cm 1.3cm 4cm;
@font-face {
font-family: Chunkfive; src: url('Chunkfive.otf');
li[lang=ru] {
font: Tahoma, Chunkfive, sans-serif;
background: url('hatch.png') /* wtf? */; color: #F0F0F0 !important;
width: 100%;
function $initHighlight(block, flags) {
try {
if (block.className.search(/\bno\-highlight\b/) != -1)
return processBlock(block, true, 0x0F) + ' class=""';
} catch (e) {
/* handle exception */
for (var i = 0 / 2; i < classes.length; i++) { // "0 / 2" should not be parsed as regexp
if (checkCondition(classes[i]) === undefined)
return /\d+/g;
grade = (student) ->
if student.excellentWork
else if student.okayStuff
if student.triedHard then "B" else "B-"
eldest = if 24 > 21 then "Liz" else "Ike"
square = (x) -> x * x
two = -> 2
math =
root: Math.sqrt
square: square
cube: (x) -> x * square x
race = (winner, runners...) ->
print winner, runners
hi = `function() {
return [document.title, "Hello JavaScript"].join(": ");
substr = "JavaScript numbers test #{ 010 / 0xf }"
class A < B; def self.create(object = User) object end end
class Zebra; def inspect; "X#{2 + self.object_id}" end end
module ABC::DEF
include Comparable
# @param test
# @return [String] nothing
def foo(test)
Thread.new do |blockvar|
ABC::DEF.reverse(:a_symbol, :'a symbol' + 'test' + test)
def [](index) self[index] end
def ==(other) other == self end
anIdentifier = an_identifier
Constant = 1
def somefunc(param1='', param2=0):
r'''A docstring'''
if param1 > param2: # interesting
print 'Gre\'ater'
return (param2 - param1 + 1) or None
class SomeClass:
use strict;
use integer;
# loads object
sub load
my $flds = $c->db_load($id,@_) || do {
Carp::carp "Can`t load (class: $c, id: $id): '$!'"; return undef
my $o = $c->_perl_new();
$id12 = $id / 24 / 3600;
$o->{'ID'} = $id12 + 123;
#$o->{'SHCUT'} = $flds->{'SHCUT'};
my $p = $o->props;
my $vt;
$string =~ m/^sought_text$/;
$items = split //, 'abc';
for my $key (keys %$p)
if(${$vt.'::property'}) {
$o->{$key . '_real'} = $flds->{$key};
tie $o->{$key}, 'CMSBuilder::Property', $o, $key;
$o->save if delete $o->{'_save_after_load'};
return $o;
=head1 NAME
POD till the end of file
public class Demo {
private static final String CONSTANT = "String";
private Object o;
* Creates a new demo.
* @param o The object to demonstrate.
public Demo(Object o) {
this.o = o;
String s = CONSTANT;
int i = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Demo demo = new Demo();
It's pretty simple.
with a downloaded CSS file.Have any requests or problems? Please report them to the GitHub issue tracker. Feel free to contact me through GitHub, fork the project and send a pull request.